MMG Committee Members

A core group (commitee) co-ordinates the Mercian Metadata Group's operations, and seeks to ensure its long term sustainability. Where possible all member universities are represented on a wider committee, and contribute to the group's directions and activities. This group is currently co-chaired by Richard Birley & William Peaden (, and any questions relating to the Metadata Group and its activities should be directed to them in the first instance, or the Collaboration's Executive Officer as an alternative.

William Peaden William Peaden Coventry University
Richard Birley Richard Birley Birmingham City University
TBC Vacant Bishop Grosseteste University
Vacant outline Vacant Coventry University
TBC Shannon Searle Cranfield University
Lynne Dyer
Lynne Dyer & Owen Thomas De Montfort University
TBC Helen Smith Harper Adams University
Gretta Cole & Katie Appleton Loughborough University
Jane Faux


Jane Faux & Simon Satchwell-Giles Newman University
TBC Vacant Nottingham Trent University
Galen Jones Galen Jones Open University
TBC Sarah Beighton Staffordshire University
TBC Vacant University College Birmingham
Vacant post Vacant University of Birmingham
Sally Rimmer Sally Rimmer University of Derby
TBC Vacant University of Keele
Obviously not Corinne Lambert Corinne Lambert University of Leicester
TBC Vacant University of Lincoln
Masniza Sore Masniza Sore University of Northampton
TBC Nick Williams University of Nottingham
TBC Ed Kirkland University of Warwick
(core committee)
TBC Vacant University of Wolverhampton
TBC Vacant University of Worcester
Ruth Jenkins Executive Officer
Mercian Collaboration
[ex officio]